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Ben Crocker Pantomime Scripts, Free Reading Copies



If you're researching panto scripts on behalf of a group, let us know which script (or scripts) you would like to read and we will email you pdf copies by return.


​There is no charge for this service and we will not supply your name or details to any other party.

We promise you lots of laughs and a great read!


Please use the form below.


Request a free reading copy now!

Please note this offer is only available to individuals representing Societies, Theatres or Groups.

Which reading copies do you want to receive? (Maximum of three)

Terms & Conditions

The reading copy is for review only and possession does not convey any rights for performance. A licence must be obtained prior to the start of rehearsals and the appropriate royalty paid before any public or private performance. No scripts should be reproduced either in whole or in part without written permission to do so.

For fee details please see below:

“The show was a great success with tickets selling out for all the nights. Both the cast and the audience were really impressed with your script. I think we had as much enjoyment out of rehearsing it as the audience did when watching it!”

Mike Derry, Aladdin Producer, Hawkshead and District Stage Society

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