Treasure Island Script Excerpt |
The Admiral Benbow. Old fashioned, rough and ready pub. Bar, wooden tables and chairs etc. MUM HAWKINS (The Dame), JIM HAWKINS, BILLY BONES and the CHORUS as CUSTOMERS (Various seafaring ne’er do wells and their girlfriends), are discovered enjoying a rousing singsong... Up tempo OPENING NUMBER. | ||
MUM. |
Hello Everybody and welcome to the Admiral Benbow – the home of neighbourly good cheer and friendly fellowship! (The CHORUS loudly greet each other, shake hands, hug and back slap each other.) Merry jests, happy laughter – (The CHORUS all roar with laughter.) And open handed generosity, where someone is always ready to stand the next round! (The CHORUS are immediately silent and sit sheepishly at their tables etc. BILLY BONES is sat on his sea chest.) What a po-faced, stingy lot. You’d think we were in (Local town or village.) |
JIM. |
It’s no good, Mum. Times are hard. | |
MUM. |
I know, Jim, I know – (to Audience) that’s my son, Jim. And he’s right – times are hard! And me, a poor wife, all alone in the world, except for my husband upstairs in bed at death’s door…! (KITTIE, a maid, runs on.) | |
Mrs Hawkins! Mrs Hawkins! |
MUM. |
Yes, what is it, Kittie? |
He’s gone, Mrs Hawkins, he’s gone! |
MUM. |
Gone? |
Gone!! (Bursts into tears and exits.) |
MUM. |
I’ll start again – And me a poor widow woman, all alone in the world, except for my son Jim, my maid Kittie, a pub-full of regulars - (CHORUS suddenly spring to life, laughing, shouting and animatedly drinking etc.) Who never pay for their drinks! (CHORUS instantly resume their sheepish silence.) And all me husband’s debts! What are we going to do, Jim? |
JIM. |
I don’t know, Mum. There must be some way I can seek our fortune. |
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MUM. |
Oh, what a brave lad you are! After all, there’s not much point in asking that lot of lazy, good for nothing seafaring ne’er-do-wells! (CHORUS immediately spring raucously back into life.) Will you shut up! (CHORUS instantly resume their sheepish silence. KITTIE rushes back in.) |
Mrs Hawkins, Mrs Hawkins! |
MUM. |
Yes, what is it, Kittie? |
It’s a miracle! |
MUM. |
What is? |
He lives!! |
MUM. |
Lives? |
Lives!! (Bursts into tears and exits.) |
MUM. |
Right. I’m going to start one more time… And me, a poor wife, all alone in the world, except for my husband still upstairs in bed at death’s door, my son Jim, my maid Kittie, a pub-full of regulars - (CHORUS suddenly spring to life, laughing and shouting etc.) Will you just shut it! (CHORUS are once again sheepishly silent.) And all me husband’s debts! What are we going to do, Jim? |
JIM. |
I don’t know, Mum. There must be some way I can seek our fortune. |
MUM. |
Oh, what a brave lad you are! After all, there’s not much point in asking that lot of lazy, good for nothing seafaring ne’er-do-wells! (CHORUS immediately spring raucously back into life.) I said, shut it! (CHORUS instantly resume their sheepish silence.) We seem to be going round in circles! (KITTIE rushes back in.) |
Mrs Hawkins, Mrs Hawkins…! |
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MUM. |
(interrupting) I’m not interested! (KITTIE bursts into tears and exits.) (To Audience.) Sufficient to say, we’ve got no money and Squire Trelawney will be here any minute for his rent! |
(entering)Mrs Hawkins! |
MUM. |
Squire Trelawney! |
I’m here for me rent. |
MUM. |
(to Audience.)You see? |
Dashed inconvenient I know – what with you being a poor wife, all alone in the world, except for your husband upstairs in bed at death’s door, your son Jim, your maid Kittie, a pub-full of regulars - (CHORUS spring to life, laughing and shouting etc.) |
MUM. |
Shut it! (CHORUS are immediately silent.) | |
And all your husband’s debts. (Looks bemusedly at the silent CHORUS for a moment.) |
MUM. |
(Aside to Audience.) Fortunately, the Squire’s a bit dim - with a terrible weakness for spotted dick. |
Anyway, I was just on my way to the Smuggler’s Cove Women’s Institute to judge the cake baking competition – when I thought, ‘I know, why don’t I drop in at the Admiral Benbow and collect me cash?!’ | |
MUM. |
Well, isn’t that nice, in fact you’re the very person I was hoping to see! |
I am? |
MUM. |
You are. Because I need your opinion. I’ve just been baking – |
(hopefully) Spotted dick? |
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MUM. |
Oh, Squire. You’re ahead of me – my extra special spotted dick! Would you like a nibble? |
Oh, Mrs Hawkins - |
MUM. |
(indicating wing) It’s out there waiting for you. |
You know my weakness! |
MUM. |
I could cover it in custard. |
Oh, I say! |
MUM. |
(gesturing) Shall we go through? (Aside, as SQUIRE exits.) It’s always the same. A bit of spotted dick and he’s gone! (Exits.) (MUSIC. JENNY enters. Her eyes lock with JIM’S and they fall in love.) |
Hello… |
JIM. |
Hello… |
I’m Jenny Trelawney. The Squire’s daughter. I think he must have forgotten about me. |
JIM. |
(indicating) He’s just – |
Wandered off somewhere? |
JIM. |
Yes. |
Who are you? |
JIM. |
I’m Jim Hawkins. I live here. |
How wonderful to be living here amongst all these rough, colourful, dangerous types! (The CHORUS burst into life.) | |
MUM. |
(popping head on) Shut it! (The CHORUS fall silent.) |
It must be ever so exciting! (Whispering) Who’s he? |
JIM. |
Which one? |
The one with a big scar, dressed in black and sitting on a chest. |
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JIM. |
That’s Billy Bones. He’s done terrible, awful, wicked things! |
Really – like what?!! |
JIM. |
We don’t know – but every day he’s out on the cliff, looking for ships, muttering to himself about a sailor with one leg. |
How deliciously gross! Why? |
JIM. |
No one dare ask – he’d kill you as soon as look at you! |
That’s so cool! |
JIM. |
Yes, I suppose it is! |
Life can be very dull with Father. I just long for excitement! |
JIM. |
Me too – I can’t wait to escape and make my fortune! |
Oh, Jim - let’s run away together and get married! I’ve loved you ever since I first saw you! |
JIM. |
But that was two minutes ago! |
I know!!! What’s the point of love if it’s not at first sight? You do love me too, don’t you? |
JIM. |
Yes, of course I do. (SQUIRE re-enters with MUM.) |
Delicious, Mrs Hawkins. Quite delicious! As always, your spotted dick reigns supreme! But now, if you’ll excuse me – (Sees JENNY) Jennifer, what are you doing here? | |
You left me outside. |
(taking her aside) Don’t you realise this is not the sort of establishment for young ladies? |
Why ever not? | |
Because young ladies do sewing and play the piano! |
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But I want a life of adventure! |
The sooner we get you to the Women’s Institute the better! I mean, just look at the crowd in here! (CHORUS spring into raucous life.) It’s even worse than I thought! (Grabs JENNY’S hand.) Quick, we must go! |
Jim! (Looks longingly at JIM.) |
JIM. |
Jenny! (Looks longingly at JENNY.) |
(pulling JENNY towards the door) Come along, Jennifer! (Exits with JENNY.) |
MUM. |
(to CHORUS) Oy – belt up!!! (CHORUS go back to their sheepish silence.) That’s better. (To JIM.) What are you doing, staring at the door? |
JIM. |
I’m in love, Mum. |
MUM. |
What, with the Squire’s daughter? |
JIM. |
Yes – Jenny Trelawney. |
MUM. |
You’ve only just met. |
JIM. |
I know, but we’re sort of engaged. |
MUM. |
Don’t be ridiculous. Even your Mum’s spotted dick won’t get you that far, the Squire would never allow you to marry his daughter. You’re far too poor. |
JIM. |
Well, that’s where you’re wrong. Just you wait and see! (Exits.) |
MUM. |
Dear me - who’d be a mother, eh? Do you know, if I had my time again I’d come back as a man, I really would!... |
Treasure Island Characters
- MRS HAWKINS (MUM). Jim’s Mum. Warm hearted, rumbustious Dame.
- KITTIE. A maid. (Scene 1 only)
- JIM HAWKINS. Principal Boy.
- JENNY TRELAWNEY. The Squire’s daughter. Principal Girl.
- SEADOG SAM. A pirate.
- SEAWEED WILLY. A nice pirate.
- BILLY BONES. (Scene 1 only)
- LONG JOHN SILVER. Pirate Leader and Villain of the Piece.
- BLOOD BOILER. A ferocious pirate.
- GIZZARD SLITTER. A very ferocious pirate.
- The FRIDGE. A very big ferocious pirate.
- POLLY. A parrot in her 70’s.
- MRS HENDERSON. Chair of the Smuggler’s Cove WI.
- MRS BATTERSBY WI Members with scripted lines.
- MRS PARKER. Vice Chair of the Smuggler’s Cove WI.
- MISS NORMINGTON. (DORIS) Senior and independently minded WI Member
- BEN GUNN. Shipwrecked Ship’s Photographer.
- CAPTAIN BLOODHEART (Non speaking role, Scene 9 only)
- CHORUS as Pub Customers, Pirates, WI Members, Ghosts etc.
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